Welcome to the Linux division!
Linux is an open source community operating system. It is
copyrighted under the GNU (Gnu Not Unix) General Public License. This GNU license protects Linux from becoming
proprietary. For more information click on the GNU picture below.
We support, redistribution, installation, and maintenance of
the following distributions of Linux.
The following links to the supported
distribution are provided to you as a free service of OpenSoft Computers:
system restoration of all licensed software
Location of lost or difficult to find Drivers
Data recovery
hardware repair
Linux Specialist
Phillip C. Kelly
Credentials of the Linux Specialist:
Linux Personal
Experience March 2003
Installed and Beta tested Mandrake 8.0
through 9.1 (dual boot windows and linux)
SuSE 8.0 through 8.1 (dual boot windows and linux)
Installed Caldera 3.1.1 (dual boot windows and linux)
Red Hat 8.0 (dual boot windows and linux)
Installed Debian 3.0r1 (dual boot windows and linux)
two linux systems (Mandrake 9.0, and SuSE 8.0) and one windows system (Windos 95) on one computer
Gainsville College, March 2002
Gainesville, GA
Completed Calculas I, II, and III
Completed Computer
Science 1301
which covered programming in Dr. Schem and
some Java
Step5 Programming II, Seimens,
September 1997
Covered statement logic, ladder logic,
and digital logic programming for
level two
maintenance on PLCs
Step5 Programming I, Seimens, September 1997
Covered statement logic, ladder logic,
and digital logic programming for
level one maintenance on PLCs
Analog to Digital Converter
School, US Navy, March 1991
Covered hardware and software
system required to translate ships
data to machine code for
the CP-890-YUK Main Frame
Magnetic Tape Unit Maintenance School, US Navy,
October 1990
Covered hardware and software
system required for backup of
the Unisys CP-890-YUK Main
Unisys CP-890-UYK Computer, US Navy, September 1989
Processor II School
Covered machine
code programming
for level two maintenance
Unisys CP-890-UYK Computer, US Navy, September 1989
I School
Covered machine code programming
for level one maintenance
Unisys CP-890-UYK Computer
School, US Navy, October 1988
Covered digital electronic circuits
Boolean Algebra and programming basics
Electronics A School, US Navy, April 1988
Covered theory of DC and AC circuits
Power supplies and Radio Frequency
If you walk in My statues and keep My commandments, and perform them, then I will give you rain in its season, the
land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.
Leviticus 26:3,4 NKJV
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all on the
name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
Colossians 3:17 KJV